From an early age I was interested in the stories I heard missionaries tell and the exciting things God had done around the world. In my teen years I felt a call to go as a missionary. Over the next 35 years, I looked for opportunities to fulfill that call. I served as a Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, and finally Lead Pastor. Though I participated in and led many short-term mission trips this did not seem to be what I had felt called to do. Having reached my 50ā€™s I assumed it was not meant to be. It was on one of those short-term mission trips in 1998 that I landed in Honduras for the first time. I was pleased to see the beauty of the landscape and the friendliness of the Honduran people. Beginning with that trip, my life changed and the call I felt at 16 began to be fulfilled. It started with seminars for teachers and pastors of local churches in Honduras. I did not know then what the Lord had planned for the rest of my life and ministry. On many occasions I had been part of the ministry God had given to others, but now He was helping me establish this ministry in Honduras. My wife Edith kept my business running at home while I traveled and ministered in Honduras.

I realized quickly that one of the greatest needs in the country was for improved educational opportunities and vocational training. This is what God had called me to do many years before and all this time He was preparing me for this work. So, we set in motion the beginning steps that eventually created New Hope Opportunities. At this time, we had no facility, no funding, and no definitive plan to provide these things. ALL WE HAD WAS A CALL FROM GOD. No man could have orchestrated the events that brought this ministry to its current position. It began with an abandoned warehouse with no electricity or working plumbing. We had no staff or equipment. We had no guaranteed source of funding or denominational backing but here we are today.

Looking back, I can see how God has provided everything for this great center in the Rivera Hernandez area of San Pedro Sula. We are fulfilling the original vision of education and vocational training for the children, youth, and adults of our neighborhood. I could never have imagined the schools, activities, and programs that operate through the faithful and dedicated staff. This project was originally referred to as ā€œThe Miracle in San Pedro Sula.ā€ It is truly a miracle. Lives, families, and our neighborhood are being changed and blessed by the ministry of New Hope Opportunities.Ā 

When God calls and gives a vision, He provides what is necessary at the perfect time and the perfect place to fulfill that call and see the vision come to pass.Ā 

By Marne Cottriel,Ā Founder and President, USA.


  • What is the greatest need of the people and church of Honduras?

    The vision for New Hope Oppor- tunities originated in a meeting in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. During the next few years the vision of starting a vocational School began as well as doing seminars two times a year for teachers and church leaders.

  • Non-profit Status

    6 years after God placed the vision of this ministry in the heart of our founder, New Hope Opportunities was incorporated as a legal nonprofit in the USA.Ā 

  • We have a property!

    After 8 years of seminars and growing vision, God provided our ministry with a property. Also, our first construction missionary teams from the U.S started coming down to help clean and do projects in our facility.Ā   

  • Construction in progress!

    At this point we had finished building phase #1 which consisted of 3 classrooms along with a welding shop outside of the main building. The seminars for teachers continued, and Hope Vocational Technical Institute was inaugurated with three different classes.Ā 

  • Hosting teams in our building!

    By this point our main kitchen was complete, the apartments were done so we were able to start hosting mission teams at our building, we installed the water purification system in our entire facility, the new roof was installed and our ā€œChicoā€ program started. This program, currently known as the ā€œReinforcement Programā€, serves the children of the community.

  • Fill it Full!

    This year we had our first Fill it Full campaign. Since then we run it every two years. Fill it full is where our stateside staff and volunteers coordinate a huge act of generosity amongst all of our contacts to fill a shipping container with materials, school supplies, and a variety of things that the ministry in Honduras needs that will help us to continue serving our community as best as we can. This is a great opportunity to be a part of our ministry and help provide the needs and wants of our staff in Honduras.Ā 

  • Expansion!

    The growth of the ministry continued as we expanded our classes and seminars. A strong emphasis was put on training for our staff, and we developed training programs for local government school teachers. During this time we also inaugurated two different impact programs: ā€œEl Garageā€ and ā€œHope Kidzā€. Our first Carpentry classes started in the Hope Vocational Institute, impacting the lives of many young men from our community and also from a local addiction rehabilitation center. Our efforts to expand all of our programs in Rivera Hernandez were in the works.Ā 

  • We have a new school!

    Hope School and Hope High School were inaugurated this year. We went out into the community, walking and praying, looking for those who really needed an educational opportunity. Our heart was, and still is, to serve those who need it the most, those who do not even have going to the public school system as an option. This is how our school started and these are the people we are serving. Our passion is to transform their lives through Christ centered love and education! During this year we also had our first youth camp for the teenagers of the High […]

  • Our first High School graduation!

    We saw our first students and generation graduating from the 9th grade at the end of 2019. This was such a special moment because it marks a new generation. Most of the parents of our students never went to school or never graduated. It is such an honor to see our students being a difference in their families and community.

  • We are continuing to transform lives!

    This is where we are now… 5 educational programs and 8 impact programs working together to transform lives in this community through Christ centered love and education. God has been faithful to us for over 22 years. The ministry is growing, and lives are being transformed every day in the Rivera Hernandez community, Honduras. Praise God!Ā 



Founder and President, USA.


National Director and Academic Director, Honduras.


Directors of Ā Youth Ministries, Honduras.

Join us in any of our projects and make a difference

